
Across Wayne County, Warren C. Evans has worked with unions, organizations, churches, and leaders to gain their support.

Bill Bazzi

Mayor, Dearborn Heights

Michael Bowdler

Supervisor, River Rouge

Mike Duggan

Mayor, Detroit

Abdullah Hammoud

Mayor, Dearborn

Kurt Heise

Supervisor, Plymouth

Anne Marie Hudak

Supervisor, Canton

Valerie Kindle

Supervisor, Harper Woods

Andy Linko

Supervisor, Brownstown

Kevin McNamara

Supervisor, Van Buren Twsp

John Rhaesa

Mayor, Wayne

Randy Walker

Mayor, Garden City

Ray Washington

Sheriff, Wayne County

Bill Wild

Mayor, Westland

Patrick Wimberly

Mayor, Inkster

Kym Worthy

Prosecutor, Wayne County

Hubert Yopp

Mayor, Highland Park


Solomon Kinloch

Triumph Church

A. Reginald Best


Elmwood Park Church of Christ

Bishop J. Drew Sheard

Michigan/Ontario Council of Bishops COGIC

Labor Unions
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