Meet Warren

A life-long public servant to Wayne County.

Warren C. Evans is a lifelong public servant to Wayne County. Under his leadership, he has led our county through tough times with the COVID-19 pandemic which deeply impacted residents. He has also led our county through tough economic times by putting our fiscal house in order and presenting multiple balanced budgets. Thanks to his leadership Wayne County was able to exit the consent agreement ahead of schedule. 

County Executive Evans’ life has been shaped by his upbringing. His parents instilled in him the importance of public service. He has kept those values and continues to work on behalf of all Wayne County residents. He lives in Canton with his wife Renata and enjoys spending time with his blended family which includes four children and seven grandchildren.

Warren Cleage Evans Terminal - Detroit Metropolitan Airport

To honor his public service to Wayne County’s citizens, Detroit Metro Airport’s North Terminal was renamed “Warren Cleage Evans Terminal” in 2022.

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